Composition and Membership

Composition and Membership

  1. The maximum number of each of the new technical boards is 15, excluding the Secretary General.
  2. The Secretary General, or whoever he authorizes, is the Rapporteur and Secretariat (but not a voting member) of the three technical boards.
  3. The tenure of all the technical boards is 4 years – from the date of official appointment by the Board of Trustees – or until the succeeding boards are appointed.
  4. Consideration on the geographical and technical diversifications of members is taken when forming each of the technical boards, if possible.
  5. A member may be re-appointed to any of the Technical Boards, including the member appointed to fill a vacant post, for a second term of office and may be re-appointed for more than two successive terms, provided that at least 50% of the previous board members is not be re-appointed for a successive term.
  6. All membership of the technical boards is personal in nature and no member has the authority to delegate his/her powers to another person nor ask another person to replace him/her.
  7. At the first meetings of each of the technical boards, the members elects, through secret ballot and majority decisions, a Chairman and Vice Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman shall replace him.
  8. A member may participate in the technical standards board meeting through conference call or audio-visual facility.  Nevertheless, a member is required to attend the meeting physically in person for at least 25% of the meetings in a calendar year.
  9. A member of a technical standards board is dismissed automatically in the event of failure to attend 3 meetings in a calendar year. Thereafter, the nominating committee recommends a replacement for the remaining term of the technical standards board. The nominating committee submits its recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  10. Any member of the Technical Boards, including its Chairmen, may be removed from office by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the majority of the Nominating Committee members, in any of the following events:

(A) If he misbehaves in a manner considered by the Board of Trustees to be harmful to the objectives and reputation of the AAOIFI or the Technical Board.

(B) If he loses capacity or if he is convicted of any offence affecting his honour or integrity.

(C) If a member of a Technical Board failed to attend 3 meetings in a calendar year.

11. The General Secretariat prepares a detailed charter on scope of work and modus operandi of each of the technical boards. The power to approve and amend this paper rests with the technical standards board concerned.

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