Guidelines for Authors
Guidelines for Authors / Academic Contributors for JOIFA
- The papers should make some significant contribution to Islamic finance reporting and accounting, either theoretical or applied, or discuss any related professional aspect of Islamic finance.
- Submitted papers must contain original unpublished work. The subject content should not impinge upon, violate or constitute a breach of any intellectual or business rights of any third party.
- The author(s) should not mention their names and affiliation, etc on the text of the paper. A separate sheet bearing full name, affiliation, mailing address and telephone number should be sent along with the main paper.
- The papers submitted for publication must not have been submitted simultaneously to any other journal.
- All papers must have an abstract of no more than 250 words, 4-6 Keywords and JEL and KAUJIE classification, if applicable. The ‘Abstract’ should contain the objective, methodology, findings and suggestions, and practical implications of the research work for publication.
- The length of the article should preferably be between 4000- 8,000 words.
- All papers should have an introductory section in which the objectives and methodology of the article are explained and a final/ concluding section, which summarizes the main points discussed and the conclusions reached.
- The AAOIFI management shall have non-exclusive rights on the materials published in the JOIFA; would be fully authorized to use or distribute the material for the purpose of Indexing / Abstracting, to translate into other languages, or for any other related purposes; and would have power to enter into any agreement with third parties for distribution of the materials by any means and in any format.
- Since all material received for publication is to be peer reviewed, two hard copies or a soft editable copy should be submitted in final form for sending anonymously to the reviewers.
- The authors would have to revise and resend the papers in the light of comments / suggestions by the peer reviewers or the editorial committee members.
- References in APA style should be listed at the end of the text in the following style:
Articles: El-Gari, Mohamed Ali (2003); Credit Risk in Islamic Banking and Finance; Islamic Economic Studies; Vol. 10, No. 2, (2003); Pp. 1 – 23;
Books: Khan, A. R. (1993), Financial Intermediation, New York: Springer Publishers.
Standards / Reports: Issuing institution, Number, Title, year of publication, with clauses / sub clauses of the relevant Standards
Page references to works referred to in the text should take the following form: El-Gamal (2006:128).
The verses of the Holy Qur’ān quoted should carry S┴rah number and ãyah number as (2:275).
Complete reference to the source of Ahādīth quoted should be given like: Muslim, ╗a╒┘╒, Kit┐b al shirkah ……
- Authors Undertaking form: While submitting the papers, authors are required to furnish an ‘Undertaking Form’ [format of which is given on website] to the effect that the paper has not been submitted to any other Journal and that the author(s) will revise and resubmit the paper in the light of peer reviewers suggestions / comments.
- The final edited version will be sent to the authors along with the annexures, table, figures / diagrams, etc for final proof reading and confirmation, within a week, that all contents of the paper are in correct position.
- Author(s) will receive soft copy of the issue of the journal containing the article and one print copy of the JOIFA.
Indexing and abstracting the JOIFA
Process will be started upon publication of the first Issue of the JOIFA for indexing the JOIFA with data bases including, inter alia, the following:
- Index Islamicus
- The British Library
- Journal of Economic Literature
- Ulrich
- Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC)
- Academic Journal Guide 2015 of the Chartered Association of Business Schools – revised every 3 years
- Going forward: any of the Thomson Reuters’ Citation Indexes: ESCI / SSCI
Citing, Referencing and Reprinting of the material published in JOIFA
AAOIFI invites readers and researchers to quote and cite the material published in the JOIFA; articles can be reprinted / published anywhere provided that the source of JOIFA is duly and completely acknowledged, and intimation and a copy of the reprint is sent to the JOIFA’s Managing Editor.
Internal / Desk Review
The received manuscripts are first tested for plagiarism and in case of over 19 % plagiarism in the paper, excluding the references, Quranic verses, ahadith, quotations with their authorship, proper nouns, etc [it implies plagiarism and similarity are two different things]; the paper is rejected at the outset. Eligible manuscripts are reviewed by the members(s) of the Internal Review Committee of the JOIFA.
Papers Review Process
Once it is determined that the manuscript has potential for publication in the JOIFA, the papers are sent to the experts for peer review with a double-blind review approach to ensure that the reviewers are not biased while reviewing and advise the JOIFA’s editorial team on merit. Papers to be published have to be cleared at least by two reviewers. Having received the review report(s), the Sub Editor / any other member of the editorial team evaluates the advice of the reviewer(s) and determines whether the paper is rejected or accepted, and in latter case, the nature of revision required. Author is requested to revise, shorten, delete or rephrase any expressions etc, in the light of the comments by the reviewers and resubmit accordingly, preferably within 2 weeks. In case the author(s) do not agree to any of the reviewers’ comments, they need to provide rationale and logical and scientific justification for that.
Going forward, arrangements will be made for on-line submission, review, and resubmission.