CIPA exemptions

CIPA exemptions

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Eligibility criteria for module exemptions

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Eligibility criteria for PER exemption

Partial 6-month exemption from PER

  • 3 years of accountancy experience working at an Islamic financial institution (IFI);
  • 5 years of accountancy experience working at a financial institution (FI); or
  • membership of a professional body which is an IFAC member with at least 1 year of accountancy experience working at a FI.

Full exemption from PER

  • More than 3 years of accountancy experience working at an IFI; or
  • More than 5 years of accountancy experience working at financial institution(s) and at least 3 months of accountancy experience working at an IFI; or
  • Membership of a professional body which is an IFAC member with at least 6 months of accountancy experience working at an IFI.


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