Studying for the CIPA program

Studying for the CIPA program

In order to become a CIPA fellow, the CIPA candidate must successfully fulfill the following two requirements:

  1. pass all the four CIPA modules exams; and
  2. complete the Practical Experience Requirement (PER).

In order for the CIPA fellow to remain an active fellow, the following requirement must be met:

  1. annual payment of fellowship fee starting from the second year of fellowship.

The CIPA Curriculum

CIPA candidates are required to study for and pass the following four modules:

Click here for 2024 syllabus of the CIPA program

Note: Candidates must adhere to studying directly from the AAOIFI standards, with study texts serving as supplementary resources. In the event of any inconsistency between the AAOIFI standards and study texts, the standards hold precedence. While undergoing a comprehensive review process, AAOIFI does not currently assume full responsibility for the study text content. Candidates are provided access to these texts to encourage their participation in the review process, should they wish to contribute.

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