JOIFA – Call for papers – 9th issue

Dear scholars, researchers and Islamic finance professionals,

Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) is excited to announce the call for papers for the next issue of JOIFA which is dedicated to advancing knowledge and promoting research in the field of Islamic finance including, accountancy, governance, Shari’ah advisory, auditing and ethics, and themes under AAOIFI’s mandate. We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to submit their original research papers, technical articles, book reviews, case studies etc. to be considered for publication in JOIFA.

Please read the guidelines for authors before submitting your manuscript, to ensure it is consistent with the journal style and format ( Papers will undergo at least one double blind-peer review in addition to review by the editorial desk. Final acceptance of approved papers will be contingent on incorporating reviewers’ feedback to the satisfaction of the reviewers and/or editorial team. You may download previous issues of JOIFA from this link: For any queries, please contact the editor via the email:

Potential contributions may include, but might not be limited to, theoretical, empirical and technical papers that consider the following topics / areas.

Accounting related topics

  1. Control (of assets and business)
  2. Determination of Direct Expenses
  3. Financial reporting for institutions operating in hyperinflationary economies
  4. Gifts and prizes
  5. Off-balance-sheet assets under management
  6. Quasi-equity (including investment accounts)
  7. Transfer of assets between investment pools
  8. Zakah computational guidelines for Islamic finance institutions

Papers and technical articles are also invited on below given topics for AAOIFI Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) under revision which includes the following FASs:

  1. FAS 3 “Mudaraba Financing and FAS 4 “Musharaka Financing”
  2. FAS 7 “Salam and Parallel Salam” and FAS 10 “Istisna’a and Parallel Istisna’a”
  3. FAS 14 “Investment Funds”
  4. FAS 23 “Consolidation”
  5. FAS 24 “Investments in Associates”
  6. FAS 26 “Investment in Real estate”

Governance and ethics related topics

Researchers are also encouraged to explore potential issues and research on following governance areas for the Islamic finance industry.

  1. Governance aspects of conversion of a conventional bank to an Islamic bank
  2. Development and governance of Shari’ah-compliant benchmark rates
  3. Adoption and promotion of ESG based activities for value-addition
  4. Role of the centralised Shar’iah advisory authorities / boards in ensuring Shari’ah compliance of IFIs in their respective jurisdictions
  5. Governance framework of auditing in IFIs
  6. Governance and management of investment accounts
  7. Governance aspects of implementation of code of ethics in an institutional set-up
  8. Responsible (sustainable) financial services for Islamic financial institutions
  9. Shari’ah compliance and fiduciary rating of Sukuk and other Islamic finance instruments
  10. Syndicated financing with or without Tawarruq, and its conditions for Shari’ah compliance

Further, researchers and scholars are also encouraged to explore writing on following topics relating to AAOIFI governance standards which are in-progress and / or in pipeline.

  1. Digital banking
  2. Fintech
  3. Governance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)
  4. Governance of institutions offering Takaful services
  5. Governance of Islamic mutual funds
  6. Governance of Islamic windows
  7. Governance of Zakah institutions
  8. Governance standard on integrated reporting
  9. Smarts Contracts

Guidelines for authors

  1. The author(s) should not mention their names and affiliation, etc. on the text of the paper. A separate sheet bearing full name, affiliation, mailing address and telephone number should be sent along with the main paper.
  2. The papers submitted for publication must not have been submitted simultaneously to any other journal.
  3. All papers must have an abstract of no more than 300 words, 4-6 Keywords and JEL and KAUJIE classification, if applicable. The ‘Abstract’ should contain the objective, methodology, findings and suggestions, and practical implications of the research work for publication.
  4. The length of the article should preferably be between 4000- 8,000 words.
  5. The papers should make some significant contribution to the above topics either theoretical or applied, or discuss any related professional aspect of Islamic finance.
  6. Submitted papers must contain original unpublished work. The subject content should not impinge upon, violate or constitute a breach of any intellectual or business rights of any third party.
  7. All papers should have an introductory section in which the objectives and methodology of the article are explained and a final/ concluding section, which summarises the main points discussed, and the conclusions reached.
  8. The AAOIFI shall have non-exclusive rights on the materials published in the JOIFA; would be fully authorised to use or distribute the material for the purpose of Indexing / Abstracting, to translate into other languages, or for any other related purposes; and would have power to enter into any agreement with third parties for distribution of the materials by any means and in any format.
  9. Since all material received for publication is to be peer reviewed, two hard copies or a soft editable copy should be submitted in final form for sending anonymously to the reviewers.
  10. The authors would have to revise and resend the papers in the light of comments / suggestions by the peer reviewers or the editorial team.
  11. References in APA style should be listed at the end of the text in the following style:

Articles: El-Gari, Mohamed Ali (2003); Credit Risk in Islamic Banking and Finance; Islamic Economic Studies; Vol. 10, No. 2, (2003); Pp. 1 – 23;

Books: Khan, A. R. (1993), Financial Intermediation, New York: Springer Publishers.

Standards / Reports: Issuing institution, Number, Title, year of publication, with clauses / sub clauses of the relevant standards

Page references to works referred to in the text should take the following form: El-Gamal (2006:128).

The verses of the Holy Qur’ān quoted should carry Surah number and ãyah number as (2:275).

Complete reference to the source of Hādīth quoted should be given like Muslim, Kitab al Shirkah

Paper submission timeline

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Paper submissions

AAOIFI is in the process of building a portal for online paper submission system. Until this is live, papers may be sent as attachment in world format to  Authors are encouraged to contact the editor in advance for any matters which require clarification or guidance

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