Nomination Form for sub-committees of AAOIFI Education Board

Nomination Form for sub-committees of AAOIFI Education Board

  1. AAOIFI is pleased to commence the nomination process for membership of the following sub-committees of the AAOIFI Education Board (AEB) which are: (i) Curriculum Review Committee (CRC); (ii) Examinations Review Committee (ERC); and (iii) Translation Review Committee (TRC).
    1. CRC – aims at ensuring that the educational material of the AAOIFI Fellowships (such as CIPA and CSAA) continues to be relevant, practical, and flexible, to the learning needs and expectations of those aspiring mastery in AAOIFI standards. Members would be expected to contribute towards development and review of the curriculum, the study texts, and the teaching and authoring guides, amongst other resources.
    2. ERC – aims at supervising the entire examinations process and quality of the AAOIFI fellowship programs. Members would primarily be expected to contribute towards the development and review of the exams.
    3. TRC – aims at supervising the translation process and translation quality of the study texts of the AAOIFI fellowship programs in multiple languages. Members would be expected to contribute towards the review and sign-off of translations, amongst other related activities.
  2. You may nominate yourself for more than one sub-committee.
  3. Priority shall be given to those who either have AAOIFI fellowship (by virtue of passing the CIPA and/or the CSAA programs), or AAOIFI candidacy (by virtue of being enrolled for the respective programs at the time of submission of this application). A further distinction shall be made between active AAOIFI fellows (i.e. those who regularly pay annual fellowship fee) and non-active AAOIFI fellows (i.e. those who do not regularly pay annual fellowship fee) where priority shall be given to those in the former category.
  4. Membership shall be diversified on multiple fronts including but not limited to: area of expertise / specialization (which has correspondence with the core topics of the AAOIFI fellowship programs); geographical location; mastery of language; and type of institution (such as regulatory and supervisory authorities, IFIs, consultancy firms, universities, etc.)
  5. There is no application fee and no remuneration/honorarium to be paid to those who are selected as members of the respective committees. Thus, members would serve as volunteers.
Before filling out the nomination form, please ensure that:
  1. if you are a CIPA/CSAA fellow, you have your Fellow ID No. with you. If you do not have it, please contact us at [email protected];
  2. you have your latest photo with you;
  3. you have a list of recent workshops you conducted or papers you got published (optional);
  4. you have your latest CV with you (in pdf version); and
  5. you have at least 1 endorsement letter which clearly talks about your strength in terms of competency and ethics.

Please make sure that you have the above information and / or documents with you before setting out to submit the nomination form.

The deadline is over and we are no longer accepting any new applications.

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